dear body, let's tap! 🥁

🚨The Power of a Single Thought🚨


Abu Dhabi.

A life-changing trip.

I found myself in the opulent Emirates Palace, ready for another Tony Robbins conference session. The next speaker took the stage and began with a story. And then… I FROZE. His words struck deep, tears welled up, and my body reacted viscerally. I glanced around, locking eyes with a friend who understood.

Tony Robbins often says we’re the only species that can think a thought and experience it physically. Want proof? Close your eyes. Imagine someone you love deeply. Feel it? Now, imagine something terrible happening to them. Notice how your body reacts? This isn’t just abstract. It’s real.

Back to that speaker - Dawson Church, PhD. He was set to discuss EFT tapping, but started with a harrowing story from 2017, when he evacuated Santa Rosa during the fires. I was there too.

Years later, reading his book, BLISS BRAIN, the same story provoked the same visceral reaction. Why? Because our bodies remember everything.

So, now what? Isn't it great to remember everything? 🐘

Grocery lists, YES. Traumatic experiences, NO. It is not necessary to hold onto them and experience them over and over. Meditation and practices like EFT are one simple path to healing. You can do them anytime and anywhere.

So, what IS EFT tapping?

EFT is often called “tapping” because when you're feeling stressed, EFT has you tap with your fingertips on your body's acupressure points. This rapidly reduces stress hormones like cortisol and turns off the body's fight-flight response. -EFT Universe, Dawson Church, PhD

Your body is a brilliant archive of your experiences. Trust it. Remember that, always.

I am OBSESSED with reconnecting you to your body AND connecting WITH YOU!

This month we launched a twice a week EFT EcoMeditation. Join me (and my niece, Erin!) 🧘🏽🧘🏻‍♀️for 30 minutes of BLISS and reset your day!

Click the button below👇🏽 for the schedule - save the link, as we are adding new classes monthly!

Your body will thank you 💚 I hope you will join me!


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