
dear body,

dear body, you're either in or you're out PART II 🪴

Four years ago, amidst the chaos of COVID-19, I discovered serenity in the most unexpected place: OUTSIDE. Picture this: 🌞 A sunlit garden 🌳 Nature enveloping me 🌬️ A gentle breeze on my face ✨ Light dancing through the trees In those moments, I found profound joy and a deep sense of calm that soothed my anxious mind. 🪴 No mask, just fresh air. It was during California's smoky fire season, making every clear-air day even more precious. The contrast between the uncertainty indoors and the...

dear body, you're either IN or you're OUT 🏡🌳

You’re either IN or you’re OUT. I can still hear my mother’s voice saying that, as she stood by the door, frustrated with my sister and me. It was simple: choose to play inside or outside. Recently, a stray cat near my Airbnb reminded me of this phrase. I kept the door ajar, inviting him in. He stepped inside just once, only to retreat quickly. The unfamiliar sounds of the wind whipping thru the living room and the shower were too much—he chose the freedom outside over the security inside....

dear body, please pause ⏸️

⏸️ There is Power in the PAUSE ⏸️ It was somewhere mid-July, traveling with my favorite niece, where I started to ponder the PAUSE. THE GREAT PAUSE It started as I was taking a purposeful pause from writing this newsletter for a few weeks as my Mini and I wandered the globe being endlessly inspired by life and each other Then, I pondered the pause I take in each day for my highly valued meditation or yoga practice. What a gift it has been to build in these pauses! I thought about a good...

dear body, let's tap! 🥁

🚨The Power of a Single Thought🚨 2018. Abu Dhabi. A life-changing trip. I found myself in the opulent Emirates Palace, ready for another Tony Robbins conference session. The next speaker took the stage and began with a story. And then… I FROZE. His words struck deep, tears welled up, and my body reacted viscerally. I glanced around, locking eyes with a friend who understood. Tony Robbins often says we’re the only species that can think a thought and experience it physically. Want proof? Close...

dear body, honing in on your home(s) 🏡

Welcome home! I would like to invite you to join me on a journey of self-reflection, connection and grounding. Let us embark on this exploration by turning our attention to two homes we each possess but may not have given equal importance to. The first home I speak of is YOUR BODY. This most faithful companion has been there since the day you were born and will remain with you till your last breath. It carries you, feeds you, renews you, and allows you to interact with the world around you....

dear body, take me back to Roseto🍝

Once upon a time, driving to Roseto, Pennsylvania was the highlight of my childhood Summers. Picture this - a car packed with a delicious picnic by my mom, my dad at the wheel, and my sister and my wide-eyed selves in the backseat, gearing up for our annual family reunion. The anticipation, palpable. Those memories tether me to one unforgettable word - CONNECTION. Now let's shift gears. Disregard my personal recollection - this is about the Roseto effect, and it's about YOU. It's not about...

dear body, the tiger is not chasing you 🐅 (WHEW!)

Remember last week in the speeding Uber? The driver’s eyes darting between the road and his phones? MY HEART POUNDING. MY ADRENALINE SPIKING. This is a snapshot of the reoccurring, unnoticed assaults on our nervous systems every day. As I told you last week, I found myself in this exact situation: Fresh from a calming yoga session, my body tense and alert in the car. I was hyper-aware, an unexpected passenger in an abstract rollercoaster of stress and calm. But here’s the thing: This Uber...

dear body, drowning in digital distractions? 😩

I've got a lifebuoy for you. Admit it. You are constantly distracted, aren't you? But do you have to be? In the '80s, we were spellbound by the abundance in cereal aisles and Sunday Morning cartoons. Today? We've got that distraction right in our pocket, yanking our attention in all directions. Like it or not, amid the clamour, the glow of the smartphone and the avalanche of information, our nervous system is struggling to keep pace. What's the solution? Mindfulness! But how? Picture this....

dear body, timing is EVERYTHING ⏰

Ever considered yourself a maestro? A conductor of a grand symphony? Here’s a revelation: You ARE one. Your body is an ensemble of intricate clocks, each regulated by your genes and environment, dancing to the rhythm of life. But like any orchestra, it needs a skilled conductor. That’s YOU. So what happens when the conductor loses tempo? Our contemporary lifestyle has accelerated faster than our bodies could harmonize with. Constant travel, irregular meals, night shifts, excessive screen time...

dear body, it's time to get something BETTER 🥳

20 years ago, I decided to liberate myself from the hypnotic clutches of a tiny TV 📺. At the crack of dawn one day, I hauled it to the doorstep, waved it goodbye 👋, and never looked back. As a night owl 🦉 fighting my innate body clock, I'd often find myself hunkered down in bed with my tiny screen illuminating the room. Hours would pass in a trance, and suddenly, it's 5am. I hated it. I was done. Was I addicted, captivated, enslaved? Perhaps. All I knew was I craved autonomy from these black...