dear body, please pause ⏸️

⏸️ There is Power in the PAUSE ⏸️

It was somewhere mid-July, traveling with my favorite niece, where I started to ponder the PAUSE.


It started as I was taking a purposeful pause from writing this newsletter for a few weeks as my Mini and I wandered the globe being endlessly inspired by life and each other

Then, I pondered the pause I take in each day for my highly valued meditation or yoga practice. What a gift it has been to build in these pauses!

I thought about a good night’s sleep and how that long evening pause is vital to our bodies (without it, we would literally die, if not have major health problems that are life threatening)

What about the great life pauses known as:

the mid life crisis? or menopause?

In some cultures they siesta in the afternoon….shops close, people rest, business ceases for a few hours to recharge for the evening. A cultural daily pause.

pause pause pause

My sister and her husband take a pause each day after dinner and take a walk together.

Last week I paused from life and took a dip in the healing Spring Waters in Ikaria, Greece.

These great pauses in your life are necessary.

do you take them?

do you value them?

do you schedule them?

Chances are if you VALUE them, you have already worked them into your day.

If they are a part of the culture you grew up in, then they are ingrained in your body

It is likely you take pauses in each day if you VALUE them and what they do for your mind and body

If you do not, maybe you should sprinkle in a pause or two each day.

Join me this week for a pause, or two! And give your mind and body the breathing space it needs…. Click here to see the options in your time zone!

Your mind and body will appreciate the pause! 💚


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