dear body, timing is EVERYTHING ⏰

Ever considered yourself a maestro? A conductor of a grand symphony?

Here’s a revelation: You ARE one.

Your body is an ensemble of intricate clocks, each regulated by your genes and environment, dancing to the rhythm of life. But like any orchestra, it needs a skilled conductor. That’s YOU.

So what happens when the conductor loses tempo?

Our contemporary lifestyle has accelerated faster than our bodies could harmonize with. Constant travel, irregular meals, night shifts, excessive screen time - all out of tune with our natural rhythm.

Imagine a symphony losing its conductor mid-performance. For a while, it may seem fine. Gradually, chaos ensues as each section attempts to establish its own rhythm.

Dr. Satchin Panda’s “The Circadian Code” reveals harsh realities. Habitually disrupting your Circadian Clock can compromise immunity, trigger obesity, or worse, increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases and certain types of cancer.

Disturbing, isn’t it?

Now, think of your daily routine. Are you maintaining the harmony? Or pushing your ensemble into a discord?

Here’s your chance to retake the podium:

  • 🌞 Rise with the sun
  • 🍽️ Conclude your meals with the sunset
  • 🔌 Power out your electronic devices with twilight
  • 🌌 Let the darkness guide you to prepare for a night’s rest

Our bodies are remarkable - resourceful, adaptable, survivors of eras before modernization.

Let’s give them the care they deserve.

Stay tuned for upcoming insights from Eastern Medicine on our body’s clocks and keep abreast with bodyOS on Linkedin and Twitter.

It’s time to orchestrate your life’s rhythm!

Your body will thank you 💚


PS - New class starting June 6th! Perfect for everyone and especially my PST subscribers rising with the ☀️ 😎 See you there!

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