dear body, you're either IN or you're OUT 🏡🌳

You’re either IN or you’re OUT.

I can still hear my mother’s voice saying that, as she stood by the door, frustrated with my sister and me. It was simple: choose to play inside or outside.

Recently, a stray cat near my Airbnb reminded me of this phrase. I kept the door ajar, inviting him in. He stepped inside just once, only to retreat quickly. The unfamiliar sounds of the wind whipping thru the living room and the shower were too much—he chose the freedom outside over the security inside.

This got me thinking. Much like that cat, we often prefer the illusion of safety inside our shelters. And our bodies are just NOT happy with it.

But at what cost?

👟 Shoes: Initially meant to protect our feet, now disconnect us from the earth’s natural energies.

🕶 Sunglasses: A topic for another time…

🧴 Sunscreen: Another shield we might be overusing…

🏢 Modern living: We’re constantly inside—offices, high-rises, under artificial lights, glued to screens. Are we over-sheltering ourselves from the very elements that can heal us?

Ask yourself: are you spending most of your life inside or outside? And when you go outside, do you over-shelter?

I’m curious to hear your thoughts.

I’ll be outside, waiting for your reply…🌿👀

PS. Challenge yourself today—spend a moment outside and feel the difference. How does your body respond? Share your experience with me.


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